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Cover of 03. Natural vegetal resources of the Danube Delta territory - present status and trends

03. Natural vegetal resources of the Danube Delta territory - present status and trends

Year: 2022
Hits: 3034 PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the page until a
Tags: Annals  
Cover of 08. Tectonic and geomorphological remarks resulted from bathymetric measurements. Noviodunum Fortress, Isaccea, Tulcea County, Romania

08. Tectonic and geomorphological remarks resulted from bathymetric measurements. Noviodunum Fortress, Isaccea, Tulcea County, Romania

Year: 2022
Hits: 2838 PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the page until a
Tags: Annals  
Cover of 09. Status of biodiversity, habitats, sustainable exploitation of natural resources and socio¬economic implications in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in 2020

09. Status of biodiversity, habitats, sustainable exploitation of natural resources and socio¬economic implications in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in 2020

Year: 2022
Hits: 3012 PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the page until a
Tags: Annals  
Cover of 13. Some morphodynamic aspects concerning the meandred river section of the Sf. Gheorghe’s arm from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

13. Some morphodynamic aspects concerning the meandred river section of the Sf. Gheorghe’s arm from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

Year: 2022
Hits: 2863
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Tags: Annals  
Cover of 04. Fauna Inventory in the Zaghen Wetland after the Ecological Restoration Works

04. Fauna Inventory in the Zaghen Wetland after the Ecological Restoration Works

Year: 2021
Hits: 3212 PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the page until a
Tags: Annals  
Cover of 09. Stakeholders’ perception on algal blooms in Danube Delta, as decision support for aquatic ecosystems

09. Stakeholders’ perception on algal blooms in Danube Delta, as decision support for aquatic ecosystems

Year: 2020
Hits: 3539 PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the page until a
Tags: Annals  
Cover of 21. Assessment of the Urban Development Degree Based On Integrated System of Indicators for Sulina Case Study

21. Assessment of the Urban Development Degree Based On Integrated System of Indicators for Sulina Case Study

Year: 2019
Hits: 4022
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Cover of 28. “Checking the Pulse” of Sf. Gheorghe’s Arm Meanders from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

28. “Checking the Pulse” of Sf. Gheorghe’s Arm Meanders from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

Year: 2019
Hits: 4029
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Cover of 29. Professor Gheorghe ROMANESCU (1959-2018) A Life Dedicated to Research and Teaching

29. Professor Gheorghe ROMANESCU (1959-2018) A Life Dedicated to Research and Teaching

Year: 2019
Hits: 3836
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Cover of 09. Systemic analysis of Danube Delta drinking water in the context of potable water management

09. Systemic analysis of Danube Delta drinking water in the context of potable water management

Year: 2018
Hits: 4358
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Cover of 10. Expert Judgement Assessment & SCENT Ontological Analysis

10. Expert Judgement Assessment & SCENT Ontological Analysis

Year: 2018
Hits: 4972
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Cover of 11. The Danube evolution within the Romanian sector Cotul Pisicii - Ceatal Izmail based on the archaeological discoveries and remote sensing

11. The Danube evolution within the Romanian sector Cotul Pisicii - Ceatal Izmail based on the archaeological discoveries and remote sensing

Year: 2018
Hits: 7913
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Cover of 03. Use of Sentinel-2 images and aquatic vegetation relevee for classification of lakes’ ecological state

03. Use of Sentinel-2 images and aquatic vegetation relevee for classification of lakes’ ecological state

Year: 2017
Hits: 5840
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Cover of 09. Some climate parameters evolution within Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve territory for 1961-2013 period

09. Some climate parameters evolution within Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve territory for 1961-2013 period

Year: 2017
Hits: 5225
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Cover of Prochaotic tourism development pressure on coastal habitats-adequate evaluation case study in Sulina, Romania

Prochaotic tourism development pressure on coastal habitats-adequate evaluation case study in Sulina, Romania

Year: 2016
Hits: 7550
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Cover of Design a DataBase for Natural Resources in DDBR

Design a DataBase for Natural Resources in DDBR

Year: 2016
Hits: 5566
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Cover of The harmonization of cultural heritage and architectural conservation needs with socio-economic requirements of rural habitat in Danube Delta

The harmonization of cultural heritage and architectural conservation needs with socio-economic requirements of rural habitat in Danube Delta

Year: 2016
Hits: 4715
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No cover 21.Hydraulic model to assess the hydromorphological changes within the Danube Delta

21.Hydraulic model to assess the hydromorphological changes within the Danube Delta

Year: 2013
Hits: 4300
No cover 14 Examples and lessons for best practices for Danube River revitalisation

14 Examples and lessons for best practices for Danube River revitalisation

Year: 2012
Hits: 4313
No cover 15 Draft algorithm for Danube River Revitalization

15 Draft algorithm for Danube River Revitalization

Year: 2012
Hits: 4141
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