Alexandria Book Library


Publication by same author

Cover of 05. Fish movement in relation to water temperature fluctuations in the Lower Danube River Iron Gate II dam area

05. Fish movement in relation to water temperature fluctuations in the Lower Danube River Iron Gate II dam area

Year: 2022
Hits: 4099 PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the page until a
Tags: Annals  
Cover of 05. Fish Community from Lower Danube River Arms

05. Fish Community from Lower Danube River Arms

Year: 2021
Hits: 4700 PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the page until a
Tags: Annals  
Cover of 05. Fish fauna from Lower Romanian Mureș River

05. Fish fauna from Lower Romanian Mureș River

Year: 2020
Hits: 4908 PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the page until a
Tags: Annals  
Cover of 04. A Glimpse of a Better Future for the Danube's Flagship Species - First Return of Stocked Sturgeons into the River

04. A Glimpse of a Better Future for the Danube's Flagship Species - First Return of Stocked Sturgeons into the River

Year: 2019
Hits: 6102
DOI - PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the page
Cover of 03. Overview of the Romanian Sturgeon Supportive Stocking Programme in the Lower Danube River System

03. Overview of the Romanian Sturgeon Supportive Stocking Programme in the Lower Danube River System

Year: 2019
Hits: 5684
DOI - PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the page
Cover of 04. A novel electronarcosis method to anaesthetize adult sturgeon in the river during surgical implantation of acoustic tags

04. A novel electronarcosis method to anaesthetize adult sturgeon in the river during surgical implantation of acoustic tags

Year: 2017
Hits: 6669
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Cover of 13. A pilot study of two Lower Danube sturgeon species offspring diversity in a feeding area community

13. A pilot study of two Lower Danube sturgeon species offspring diversity in a feeding area community

Year: 2017
Hits: 6596
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No cover 04. Distribution and genetic diversity of sturgeons feeding in the marine area of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

04. Distribution and genetic diversity of sturgeons feeding in the marine area of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

Year: 2013
Hits: 6210
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