Alexandria Book Library


Publication by same author

Cover of 15. Water circulation system data analysis in fluvio- maritime Danube Delta

15. Water circulation system data analysis in fluvio- maritime Danube Delta

Year: 2020
Hits: 4135 PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the page until a
Tags: Annals  
Cover of 17. Hazard Analysis on the Rainwater Runoff in Tulcea City, Romania

17. Hazard Analysis on the Rainwater Runoff in Tulcea City, Romania

Year: 2019
Hits: 4627
DOI - PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the page
Cover of 25. Flooding Hazard and Risk Maps for Localities along Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe Branches

25. Flooding Hazard and Risk Maps for Localities along Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe Branches

Year: 2019
Hits: 4643
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Cover of 02. Development of risk and hazard maps for floods in localities on Chilia Branch

02. Development of risk and hazard maps for floods in localities on Chilia Branch

Year: 2017
Hits: 6071
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