Alexandria Book Library


Publication by same author

Cover of 12. Zooplankton and water quality of Carasuhat and Zaghen wetlands, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

12. Zooplankton and water quality of Carasuhat and Zaghen wetlands, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

Year: 2022
Hits: 3729 PREVIEW If the file is not shown, please refresh the page until a
Tags: Annals  
Cover of 05. Heavy Metals in Aquatic Macroinvertebrates and Danube River Sediments

05. Heavy Metals in Aquatic Macroinvertebrates and Danube River Sediments

Year: 2019
Hits: 5196
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Cover of 09. Gradual Changes in Water Quality Parameters in Razim-Sinoe Aquatic Complex in the Period 1991-2017

09. Gradual Changes in Water Quality Parameters in Razim-Sinoe Aquatic Complex in the Period 1991-2017

Year: 2019
Hits: 5152
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Cover of 10. Preliminary Results on Phytoplankton in Zaghen Polder, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

10. Preliminary Results on Phytoplankton in Zaghen Polder, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

Year: 2019
Hits: 5342
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Cover of 13. Current Knowledge of Methods for Assessing Surface Water Pollution with Microplastics and their Impact on Aquatic Species

13. Current Knowledge of Methods for Assessing Surface Water Pollution with Microplastics and their Impact on Aquatic Species

Year: 2019
Hits: 4618
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Tags: Annals  
Cover of 15. Seasonal dynamics of the inorganic nutrients from aquatic complex Somova-Parches in 2016

15. Seasonal dynamics of the inorganic nutrients from aquatic complex Somova-Parches in 2016

Year: 2017
Hits: 5536
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Cover of Phytoplankton assessment in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

Phytoplankton assessment in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

Year: 2016
Hits: 5998
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