Welcome to Danube Delta National R&D Institute Scientific Publications Website

Publications are a very important dissemination component in the scientific work of a research institution. Our scientific paper work is published in serial journals - Scientific Annals of Danube Delta Institute, DELTAICA, various books, maps and other publications. All of these categories are presented and described in the presented website. Please feel free to meet us by reading and disseminating our scientific work.


No cover
Category: Volume 18
Editor: Danube Delta Technological Information Center
Location: Tulcea - Romania
Year: 2013
Note: CIOACĂ Eugenia1 , BONDAR Constantin2 , BORCIA Constantin3 , MIERLA Marian1 , INCE Anuta1

Hits: 5525

Serial publications

Our serial publications was started for our scientists and others, as a mean to present their work and disseminate scientific results.


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