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Danube Delta National R&D Institute Scientific Publications
01. New Data Regarding the Spatial Distribution of White-Tailed Eagle (Aves: Haliaeetus Albicilla) and their Breeding Ecology between 2009 and 2018 within the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and its Surroundings (Romania)
Note: Author Order: ALEXE Vasile, DOROŞENCU C. Alexandru, MARINOV Mihai, KISS J. Botond, ATTILA D. Sándor, CEICO Tănase, BOLBOACĂ Lucian-Eugen, TUDOR Marian, NANU Cristina-Nicoleta, IVANOV Grişa, ENESCU Romeo, MOISE Vasile, MURARIU Dumitru
DOI - https://doi.org/10.7427/DDI.24.01
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