Welcome to Danube Delta National R&D Institute Scientific Publications Website

Publications are a very important dissemination component in the scientific work of a research institution. Our scientific paper work is published in serial journals - Scientific Annals of Danube Delta Institute, DELTAICA, various books, maps and other publications. All of these categories are presented and described in the presented website. Please feel free to meet us by reading and disseminating our scientific work.


Alexandria Book Library

Serials besides annals

Cover of DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)

DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)

No 8

Year: 2022
Category: Deltas and wetlands - book of abstracts
Hits: 1935
Title:DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts) Scientific Editorial BoardDr. V. Abaza, National Inst
Cover of DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)

DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)

No 7

Year: 2021
Category: Deltas and wetlands - book of abstracts
Hits: 1686
Title:DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts) Scientific Editorial Board▪ Prof. Dr. Z.S. Andreopo
Cover of DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)

DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)

No 6

Year: 2019
Category: Deltas and wetlands - book of abstracts
Hits: 2761
Title:DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts) Editorial Board▪ Prof. Dr. Z.S. Andreopoulou, Arist
Cover of DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)

DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)

No 5

Year: 2018
Category: Deltas and wetlands - book of abstracts
Hits: 6138
Title:DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts) Editorial BoardDr. Marian TUDOR“Danube Delta” Nat
Cover of DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)

DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)

No 4

Edited by TUDOR Marian
Year: 2017
Category: Deltas and wetlands - book of abstracts
Hits: 3757
Title:DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)Editor(s): TUDOR Marian, TÖRÖK  LilianaN
Cover of DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)

DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)

No 3

Edited by TÖRÖK Liliana
Year: 2015
Category: Deltas and wetlands - book of abstracts
Hits: 3984
 Title:DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts) Editor(s):TÖRÖK  LilianaNo. of p
Cover of Nr.4


Vizibilitatea activităţilor de cercetare prin publicaţiile elaborate în perioada 1970-2013, Partea I-Sursele bibliografice / The visibility of research activities through publications during 1970-2013,Part I-Bibliographical sources

Year: 2015
Category: DELTAICA
Hits: 3981
DELTAICAISSN 2286-0789Title: Vizibilitatea activităţilor de cercetare prin publicaţiile elaborate
Cover of Nr.5


Institutul Naţional de cercetare Dezvoltare "Delta Dunării" Tulcea - tradiţie şi continuitate

Year: 2015
Category: DELTAICA
Hits: 4111
DELTAICAISSN 2286-0789Title: Institutul Naţional de cercetare Dezvoltare "Delta Dunării" Tulcea -
Cover of Nr.3


Noi date asupra prezenţei marilor peşti migratori anadromi în Marea Neagră - zona marină a Rezervaţiei Biosferei Delta Dunării / Noi date privind studiul migraţiei scrumbiei (Alosa immaculata Bennet 1835) şi scurgerii larvelor în Dunăre

Year: 2015
Category: DELTAICA
Hits: 3922
DELTAICAISSN 2286-0789Title: Noi date asupra prezenţei marilor peşti migratori anadromi în M
Cover of DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)

DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)

No 2

Edited by TÖRÖK Liliana
Year: 2014
Category: Deltas and wetlands - book of abstracts
Hits: 3891
Title:DELTAS AND WETLANDS (Book of abstracts)Editor(s): TÖRÖK  LilianaNo. of pages:&n
Cover of Nr. 1

Nr. 1


Edited by TÖRÖK Liliana
Year: 2013
Category: DELTAICA
Hits: 4237
Realizarea publicației DELTAICA nr. 1 a fost suportată din fondurile Institutului Național de Cer
Cover of Nr.2


Ortopterele din Rezervaţia Biosferei Delta Dunării

Year: 2013
Category: DELTAICA
Hits: 12034
DELTAICAISSN 2286-0789Title: Ortopterele din Rezervaţia Biosferei Delta Dunării Author: Gabriel LU

Serial publications

Our serial publications was started for our scientists and others, as a mean to present their work and disseminate scientific results.


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