The Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute is the official scientific peer reviewed journal annually published by the Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development - Tulcea.
Up to 2000 the volumes included works presented at the annual scientific symposiums organised by the Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development – Tulcea, meanwhile after 2001 the journal included many original research articles that were not presented with the occasion on the above mentioned events.

Published under the Open Acces-Policy

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution.

Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.


The journal has no articles processing and submission charges and is not intended for commercial use.

The authors are responsible for the scientific content of their articles published in the present volume.

A catalogue record of this book is available from the Romanian National Library.

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                       Domains – fields of interest of Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute

The Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute publishes original research articles in the following domains (codes indicated in the brackets are the one used by the National Council for Research in Superior Education – Romania C.N.C.S.I.S.):
Mathematics and natural sciences:
- informatics (1B)
- chemistry (1C)
Socio-antropology and economics:
- cultural antropology – ethnography – folklore (3B)
Earth sciences:
- biology(4A)
- geology and geophysics (4B)
- geography (4C)
- ecology (4D)
Agriculture and veterinary medicine:
- agriculture (5A)
- veterinary medicine (5G)
Arts and architecture:
- architecture and urbanism (7E)

Since 2004 (volume 10), the research articles dealing with aspects related to various domains were explicitely included in one of the following main sections of the Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute:
Section I. Biodiversity, taxonomy, nature conservation
Section II. Environmental factors, ecological reconstruction, human impact
Section III. Natural resources, socio-economic aspects
Section IV. Geographical Information System, modelling, data processing

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                      Editorial Board of the Scientific Annals of Danube Delta Institute

Structure of the editorial team also widely varied since 1993, the number of the members ranging between
4 (volumes published in 2002, 2006, 2007 and 2008) and 11 (volume published in 1998), the average number of the members of the editorial teams being 6,3 (in 1993 – 2011 period).
The Editorial Board has been explicitely divided into Scientific Editorial Board and Technical Editorial Board starting with the volume published in 2009. Details on the Editorial Board and the evolution of its structure are available at link.

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            Tradition, timeliness and ritmicity of Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute
During the time, the official title of the journal was slightly (in order to reflect the year of organising the symposiums when the articles have been presented for the first time to the scientific community), but repeteadly changed as follows:
► published in 1993: Analele Științifice ale Institutului Delta Dunării (1992)
► published in 1994: Analele Științifice ale Institutului Delta Dunării (1993)
► published in 1995: Analele Științifice ale Institutului Delta Dunării (1994)
► published in 1996: Analele Științifice ale Institutului Delta Dunării – 1995
► published in 1997: Analele Științifice ale Institutului Delta Dunării – 1996
► published in 1998: Analele Științifice ale Institutului Delta Dunării – 1997
► published in 2000: Analele Științifice ale Institutului Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Delta Dunării –    Tulcea (1999)
► published in 2002: Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute for Research and Development (2000 – 2001)
► in 2003: Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute for Research and Development (2002)
► in 2004: Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute (2003 – 2004)
► since 2005 (inclusively): Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute

Number of printed version of the Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute ranges between 120 (in 1997) and 300 (in 1993 – 1995), the average number of copies being 219 (in 1993 – 2011 period).

Length (number of pages) of the volumes of Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute ranges between 88 pages (in 2010) and 733 pages (in 1997), the average number of pages being 320 (in 1993 – 2011 period).


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                 The articles published in the Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute
In 1993 – 2011 period in the Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute there was published a total number of 774 articles. Number of articles published in the Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute ranges between 9 (in 2010) and 85 (in 1997), the average number of articles/volume being 45,5 (in 1993 – 2011 period).

Up to the year 2000 the volumes were dominated by articles published in Romanian, the second most frequent language being English, and few articles were published in French and in Russian:
► percent of articles written in English ranges between 0% (the volume published in 1993) and 100% (the volumes published since 2003, inclusively);
► percent of articles written in Romanian ranges between 0% (the volumes published since 2003, inclusively) and 100% (the volume published in 1993).


In the 1993 – 2011 period, in the Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute there were published 69 articles in case of which either the author and/or co-author(s) are from other countries than Romania.

The foreign authors or co-authors of the articles published in the Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute are from the following 18 countries:
 1. Austria
 2. Brazil
 3. Bulgaria
 4. Czech Rep.
 5. France
 6. Georgia
 7. Germany
 8. Great Britain
 9. Greece
10. Hungary
11. Italy
12. Lybia
13. Rep.of Moldavia
14. Russia
15. Switzerland
16. The Netherlands
17. Tunis
18. Ukraine

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                             Coverage of the Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute


In November 2010, the Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute was indexed by the National Council for Research in Superior Education – Romania (C.N.C.S.I.S.) in the “C” category.
Catalogue records of this journal are available at the Romanian National Library (Bucharest) and ”Panait Cerna” County Library (Tulcea).
Agreements on inter-library exchanges were closed (since 2007) with various intitutions involved in environmental research and public awareness activities.
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